The American XL Bully Puppies are an excellent choice for any new dog owner because they can be gentle and friendly, yet still intimidating.

These huge dogs grow up to be tall with muscles packed into their frames – potentially making them seem very dangerous but actually just looking gorgeous from all angles!

The American XL Bully is also a great family dog as they are loving, loyal, and intelligent!

A new owner will enjoy the company of these dogs because they get along well with children as well as other animals. The perfect choice for any household looking to add an adorable pup into their lives!!

Where Does the XL American Bully Come From? 

The American XL Bully is a variety of the American bully. It is a large dog with a strong, muscular build and a short, dense coat. The American XL Bully is a descendant of the American Pit Bull Terrier and other Bull Terrier breeds.

The Pitbull was originally bred for bull-baiting, a barbaric sport in which a bull was chained to a post and set upon by dogs. The Pitbulls that were successful in this gruesome activity were those with the strongest jaws and most determined temperament.

When bull-baiting was outlawed in England in 1835, the popularity of the Pitbull began to decline.

Thus, the American Bully has managed to keep it’s stunning Pitbull exterior but has had many undesirable traits bred out of it, such as dog aggression and excessive human aggression.

The American Bully was first recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2013 and has been growing in popularity ever since. The American XL Bully is the largest variety of the American Bully, and as such, is one of the most popular varieties.

They are also very athletic and can excel in many dog sports, such as agility, obedience, and flyball.

Although American XL Bullies are friendly with people and other animals, they still need to be socialized from an early age to prevent aggression.

More On The History Of American XL Bullies

It has only been recognized as its own separate breed by the United Kennel Club since 2013, but its history dates back no more than a few decades in the 80s and 90s when dedicated breeders in the U.S set out to create a perfect family companion and began crossbreeding.

The goal was to create a more mellow and gentle temperament dog that would do well in a family setting and with children – while still being an excellent watchdog.

And, they succeeded! The American Bully is everything that was hoped for and more.

They are devoted and loving companions that excel as family dogs. They get along well with children and make excellent watchdogs. And, despite their large size, they are relatively low-maintenance dogs that are easy to train and care for.

Choosing Between The Four Different Types Of American Bully

American Bullies come in four types and these are determined solely by the dog’s height.

  1. The Pocket American Bully
  2. The Standard American Bully
  3. The Classic American Bully
  4. The XL Bully
The Pocket American BullyThe Pocket American Bully is the smallest of the bunch, measuring between 14 and 17 inches.
The Standard American BullyThe Standard American Bully is a bit larger, measuring between 17 and 20 inches.
The Classic American BullyThe Classic American Bully is the same size as the Standard American Bully but has a lighter frame.
The XL BullyThe XL Bully is the larger variant of that standard American Bully, with males reaching upwards of around 23 inches and females just a little bit shorter usually up to about 22 at the top end.

So, which one should you choose as a pet?

It really depends on your personal preferences. If you’re looking for a smaller dog, then the Pocket American Bully is a good option. If you’re looking for a bigger dog, then the XL Bully is a good option.

The four different types (Standard, Classic, Pocket, and XL) are similar overall, according to breed standards, with the XL type weighing between 80lbs to 150 lbs (36kg to 68kg).

In other words, these are very large, heavy, and extremely strong dogs. However, in order to conform to breed standards, XL American Bullies not only have to be a certain build and height, but they also must have the temperament of the gentle family companion.

Different kennels might have different interpretations of the breed standard, so it is important to do your research before choosing an American Bully breeder.

Regardless of which type you choose, you can be sure that you will have a loyal and loving friend for life.

XL American Bully Temperament

The XL American Bully is a gentle giant that was originally bred to be a companion dog.

This loyal and loving breed is still 50% American Staffordshire Terrier, and it shows in their temperament.

XL Bullies are stable and very affectionate with children of all ages, making them great family dogs who are devoted to their family and deeply loyal to their humans.

Despite their large and imposing size, XL American Bullies are naturally joyful and happy dogs who love nothing more than spending time with their favorite humans.

Unlike the American Pit Bull Terrier, which was bred for dogfighting, the XL American Bully does not display dog to dog aggression when socialized and trained correctly.

They were never bred to fight which means they are not prone to attacking your children’s friends when they come over for some good roughhousing or playtime.

However, because of their guarding instincts, they are very well balanced and they will protect the family if necessary.

XL Bully Training, Intelligence, And Obedience

As any dog owner knows, obedience is an important part of owning a pet. Dogs that are obedient are easier to manage and train, and they are also less likely to get into trouble. 

XL Bully dogs are highly intelligent and can be trained to very high levels of obedience. These dogs are a pleasure to work with; they are immensely eager to please their owners and will give their very best in each training session.

This high level of trainability allows you to teach them new commands extremely quickly. Now, of course, this pronounced eagerness to please comes in quite handy when it comes to providing the XL American Bully with sufficient mental and physical stimulation.

Your dog will absolutely enjoy any kind of training session with you, which you can then easily supplement with play. This way, you can make obedience drills into fun experiences for both you and your dog!

Bonding With Your New XL Bully Puppy

Any new pet owner knows that the first few weeks or months with your new furry friend can be a little chaotic. There’s a lot to learn, and sometimes it feels like you’re just taking two steps forward and one step back.

One of the best things you can do during this time is to bond with your new puppy. Bonding with your XL Bully is important for several reasons. First, it will make training and obedience much easier.

A dog that trusts and loves its owner is much more likely to be willing to please and follow commands. Second, bonding with your American Bully will create a special connection between you and your pet that will last a lifetime.

This close bond is one of the most rewarding aspects of dog ownership, and it’s something you’ll cherish for years to come.

XL American Bully dogs are known for forming close bonds with their owners. They are very aware of their owner’s emotions and body language, and they can use this information to discern between safe and potentially dangerous situations.

For example, if you are ever faced with an attack, your Bully will come to your rescue without having to be formally trained as a guard dog. This is because they are intelligent enough to understand the situation and protect you from harm.

Using Treats To Bond With Your Bully

Many people give their dogs rawhide as a treat, but did you know that this can actually be harmful to your pet?

Rawhide can easily splinter and become lodged in your dog’s digestive tract, causing blockages and potentially requiring surgery to remove.

Rabbit ear is a much safer alternative and is just as enjoyable for your dog. Not only that, but rabbit ear is also a natural wormer, helping to keep your pet’s digestive system healthy.

So next time you see rawhide on the shelf, remember that rabbit ear is a better option for your American Bully!

American XL Bullies And Protection

More on the matter of bonding and protection, thanks to the deep bond they form with their owners, XL American Bully dogs make great protectors!

Now quite obviously, XL American bullies make for formidable opponents to anyone misguided enough to launch an attack on yourself or an intrusion into your home, and usually, simply the look of them is more than enough to scare people off from starting in the first place.

You’ll be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you have one of these guys on watch.

American Bully Health Issues

Although American Bullies are considered a healthy breed, there are some common health issues to be aware of.

Because the XL American Bully is such a young breed, not much information is available yet on specific health problems.

However, some health problems the standard American Bully is prone to suffering from include:

  • allergies
  • joint problem
  • heat intolerance
  • demodectic mange
  • and hip and elbow dysplasia


Allergies are the most common health issue in American Bullies, and they can be caused by anything from food to environmental irritants.

If your dog is scratching excessively or showing other signs of discomfort, it’s important to take them to the vet to rule out allergies.

Joint problems:

Joint problems are a common issue in dogs, and can be particularly troublesome for larger breeds. The good news is that there are a number of ways to help your dog manage joint pain.

First, your veterinarian may recommend medication to help reduce inflammation and pain.

Secondly, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for easing the burden on your dog’s joints. If your dog is carrying around extra weight, even simple activities can be painful.

Finally, regular exercise is important for keeping joints healthy and flexible. XL Bullies need to be walked every day and should have access to a large backyard where they can run and play.

Heat intolerance:

Heat intolerance is an issue to be aware of with your American Bully, as they can overheat quickly in warm weather. Be sure to provide plenty of water and shade if you’re taking your dog for a walk on a hot day.

If your dog starts to pant excessively or seems weak or listless, these may be signs of heatstroke and you should seek veterinary attention immediately.

By taking some simple precautions, you can help your American Bully stay cool and comfortable in the summer heat.

Demodectic Mange

Your dog likely has demodectic mange, also called red mange, if he has bald spots, scabbing, or crusted skin.

This common skin condition is caused by mites that are present on all dogs, but only cause problems when your dog’s immune system is weak or when there’s an overpopulation of mites.

The good news is that demodectic mange is not contagious to you or other animals in your household.

The bad news is that it can be difficult to get rid of and may require treatment from your veterinarian.

Treatment options include topical medications, oral medications, and medicated baths. In severe cases, your dog may need to be hospitalized for treatment. 

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

Lastly, hip and elbow dysplasia is a condition that affects the joints and can cause pain and mobility problems. While it’s not always possible to prevent hip dysplasia, it’s important to get your dog checked out by a vet if you notice any signs of joint pain.

Other possible health issues American Bully dogs may be prone to are:

  • cataracts
  • atrophy
  • congenital heart failure
  • brassiophalic airway syndrome,
  • and gassiness

While these conditions are not common, they can occur in any dog breed.

Cataracts are an opacity of the eye lens that can cause blindness, while atrophy is a wasting away of muscle tissue.

Congenital heart failure is a condition that is present at birth, and brassiophalic airway syndrome is a condition that affects the dog’s ability to breathe properly.

Gassiness is a condition that causes the dog to produce excessive amounts of gas.

Again, while these health issues are not common, they can be serious if they occur. But with proper care, your American Bully will be a healthy and happy companion for many years to come!

Keeping Your American Bully Healthy

You should always supplement your bully’s diet for joint care and overall health and wellbeing. Read this post to learn all about choosing the best supplements for American bully dogs.

Additionally, these are some natural remedies we keep stocked in our cupboards for our dogs!

Brewer’s Yeast:

Chamomile Tea:


Vitamin E Oil (Topical):

Coconut Oil:

Cranberry Supplement:

Life Expectancy of An XL American Bully

The life expectancy of an XL American Bully lies usually somewhere between 9 and 13 years. However, this is only an average and some bullies have been known to live shorter or longer lives.

The size of the XL American Bully can play a role in its lifespan, as larger dogs are more prone to health problems such as joint problems and heart disease.

However, the XL American Bully is generally a healthy breed, and its lifespan can be greatly extended with proper care and nutrition. 

XL American Bully Diet And Nutrition

American XL Bully Puppies are known for their muscular physiques and strong bones.

To ensure that they grow up healthy and remain active, it is important to feed them a diet that is high in protein and fat.

A raw food diet is perfect for this purpose, as it provides all of the nutrients that these puppies need to grow and develop properly. In addition to being high in protein and fat, a raw food diet is also free of additives and preservatives, which can be harmful to puppies.

For owners who are concerned about feeding their puppies a raw diet, many commercially prepared foods are specifically tailored for American XL Bully Puppies and have 100s of reviews from happy bully owners who attest to the benefits of these products.

As American XL Bully Puppies grow into adults, their diet can be lessened in protein and fat and increased in carbohydrates.

While adult dogs do not need as much protein and fat as puppies, they still require a diet that is nutritionally balanced and provides all of the nutrients they need.

When feeding your American XL Bully Puppy, it is important to keep an eye on his weight, as these puppies are prone to obesity.

Obesity can lead to health problems such as joint problems, heart disease, and diabetes, so it is important to make sure that your puppy remains at a healthy weight.

XL American Bully Fitness And Exercise

Just like any other dog, the XL American Bully needs daily exercise to stay happy and healthy. However, due to their large size and muscular build, they need more exercise than most other breeds.

Without sufficient exercise, they are prone to destructive behaviors such as chewing on furniture or tearing up carpets.

In order to avoid these problems, it is important to give your XL American Bully plenty of opportunities to run and play.

A good way to do this is to take them for long walks or runs every day. If you do not have the time to do this yourself, you can also enroll them in a dog-walking service or dog-daycare center.

With proper exercise, your XL American Bully will be a happy and well-behaved pet.

Now, this does not mean that every single walk needs to be a hardcore workout, a nice heel walk around your neighborhood or local park will suffice. They just need to be able to work their muscles and there are several fun ways to provide them with a really good workout.

A good example is a good run off-leash either in a securely fenced area like a park or even better… the beach! If you do not have access to a fenced area, you can also invest in a long line so they can run and play to their heart’s content without getting lost.

Another great way to work your bully’s muscles is with some weight pulling. This can be done with a weight-pulling harness and either a tire or sled.

This is an especially great activity for those cold winter months when you can’t really take them out for a run.

Not only will it provide them with a good workout, but it is also a fun way to bond with your dog or work out together! Even better if you get the children involved, too.

You can also invest in a variety of different hyper-durable tools which are designed to not only be excellent physical exercise but also great mental stimulation for your dog.

An example of this is the Kong Wobbler which can be filled with food or treats and encourages your dog to use its nose and brain to figure out how to get the goodies out.

Or a good old game of tug-of-war which is not only great fun but also a fantastic way to bond with your dog. Just make sure you use a rope toy designed for dogs and not your best pair of socks!

Providing you have already established an excellent relationship where the dog looks up to you for guidance and direction, you can initiate this kind of play and you can also stop play when you’re ready.

Grooming Your American XL Bully

When it comes to grooming, your American XL Bully hardly requires any special attention at all.

Even if they spend a lot of time outside, their short coat will naturally maintain a healthy shine.

If they do manage to get themselves caked in mud, a quick spray down with the hose is usually more than sufficient. It is recommended to brush your bully once a week using a soft bristle brush or one of those dog grooming mitts.

During the shedding season (in Spring and Autumn), you might need to do this more frequently. But overall, they are a remarkably clean, low-maintenance breed that is easy to take care of.