If you have a pet, then you know that accidents happen. And when they do, it’s important to clean up the mess as quickly as possible.

One of the best ways to do that is by using a carpet shampooer. But with so many options on the market, which one should you choose?

I’ve created a list of the 7 best carpet shampooers for pet urine to help make your decision easier!

If you don’t need the pee-cleaning education, here is my winning combo:


Pet Urine Cleaning 101

Rather you have a cat or dog, your pet is gonna end up leaving its mark on your carpets and rugs at some point!

Typically in the puppy or kitten phase. This was a battle for us, in our new house with our new carpet (and our new puppy!)

So I can definitely share with you from the MANY products we tried, what our best solutions (pun absolutely intended!) have been…

Here is what you need to know.

Attack the patch immediately:

Cleaning up pet urine as soon as possible is crucial in preventing permanent damage to your carpets or rugs. If you don’t have any of these handy little scrub bottles in your pantry, you can blot the area with a clean towel, or even some paper towels to lift away as much of the urine as possible.

However, this will not be enough to fully remove the stain and odor. You will need a carpet shampooer or pet urine cleaning solution to get deep into the fibers and clean out any remaining traces of urine.

Different methods of cleaning urine:

There are a few different ways to clean up pet urine, the size of your pup or kitty, will determine what kind of shampooer you need, if you need a scrub bottle, or if it is worth investing in a spot washer like the one I mentioned above.

For us and our huge XL bully pup, it was a no-brainer that we needed a spot washer to get in deep, and clean up all of the urine at once!

If you have a smaller dog or kitty cat…

Use an enzyme cleaner that removes stains and odors. Look for one specifically formulated for pet urine, as they are best equipped to deal with this and don’t break the bank.

Prevention is better than cure:

And of course, once you’ve gotten rid of the stain and odor, make sure to take extra good care of your carpets or rugs by regularly vacuuming.

You may still want to use a spot wash or carpet cleaner periodically as this will prevent future “accidents” just in case the odor hasn’t completely been eliminated!

As you know, your pet’s nose is way more sensitive than ours, so they will always be able to detect a lingering odor no matter how hard we work to get rid of it.

If you’ve got a larger pet or puppy

The above still goes, but it is also important to have a regular carpet cleaning routine to keep your floors looking their best.

If you are toilet training a puppy, you may have come across those toilet training pads. Those are okay, however, they encourage your pup to go inside, even if it is on a pad.

So, I would skip those altogether and get your pup used to peeing outside right away, praising them for doing so.

Hopefully, this post has served you in offering up the best carpet shampooers for pet urine and also provided you with some insight into carpet and pet care in general!

With these best carpet shampooers for pet urine and some regular maintenance, your carpets or rugs will look as good as new in no time!

These Are The 5 Best Carpet Shampooers for Pet Urine:

These are ordered by personal preference (not price or rating)

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